Festival du Film d`Europe Centrale

Hongrie, Pologne, République tchèque et Slovaquie

Il y a un an, autour d’un café, un groupe de cinéphiles hongrois, polonais, slovaques et tchèques s’est lancé dans l’aventure de l’organisation d’un festival de films d’Europe centrale. Ce projet partait du constat de la quasi-absence de films de nos pays dans les cinémas du Grand-Duché. L'idée première est donc de combler ce vide et présenter un large éventail de notre production cinématographique tout en rapprochant au public luxembourgeois les changements politiques, économiques et socioculturels ayant eu lieu au cours de la dernière décennie dans cette région, qui reste souvent méconnue.

Pendant une dizaine de soirées, nous vous proposerons une sélection variée d’œuvres récentes, réalisées dans leur majorité par de jeunes réalisateurs de nos quatre pays. En dehors des films de fiction, nous avons prévu deux soirées consacrées aux films documentaires et aux films d’animation. Des discussions avec trois réalisateurs et des surprises sont également au menu.

Nous espérons que vous viendrez nombreux à la découverte de cette autre Europe et nous vous souhaitons de passer des moments pleins d’intérêt, de beauté et d’émotions fortes !


About a year ago, while sipping a coffee, a group of Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and Czech cinephiles set themselves the task of organising a festival of Central European movies. The motivation for the project was the almost total absence of movies from these countries in Luxembourg’s cinemas. Its main purpose, therefore, is to try to fill this gap through presenting a broad-ranging selection of films from these countries in order to raise public awareness in Luxembourg of the political, economic and socio-cultural changes which have taken place over the last decade in this still largely unfamiliar European region.

Over eleven evenings we will present you with a varied selection of recent works by mainly young directors from these four countries. Apart from feature films, it is planned to dedicate two of the evenings to documentary and animated movies. The festival programme also contains discussion sessions with three directors as well as some surprise events.

We hope that this opportunity to discover another Europe will be enough to entice you and we hope to provide you with interesting stories, beautiful cinematography and a roller-coaster of emotion.

Le Festival aura lieu à l’Abbaye de Neumünster

Ouverture: mercredi 8 octobre, 19h30, salle R. Krieps

Autres séances: du 9 au 18 octobre (sauf le 17), 18h30 / 20h30, salle A21 ou A22

Clôture: dimanche 19 octobre à 17h00/19h00, salle R. Krieps


The Festival will take place at the Abbaye de Neumünster

Opening: Wednesday October 8, 7.30pm, R. Krieps hall

Other screenings: October 9 - 18 October (except Oct. 17), 6.30/8.30 pm, room A21 or A22

Closing: Sunday, October 19, 5pm/7pm, R. Krieps hall

Entrée gratuite à toutes les séances. Pas de réservation nécessaire.

Tous les films seront montrés en versions originales sous-titrées en anglais.

Une soirée avec DJ Puli sera organisée le Jeudi 16 octobre a 22h dans le Tube


Free entrance to all screenings. No reservation necessary.

All films will be shown in the original version with English subtitles.

Festival Party with DJ Puli will take place at the Tube bar on Thursday, October 16, from 10pm.

A bientôt dans les salles du festival! / We look forward to seeing you at the festival!

Le Comité d'organisation / The Organising Committee - Hynek Dedecius (CS), Kamila Hrochova (CS), Ania Kiejna (PL), Gergo Kovacs (HU), Radek Lipka (PL), Wanda Vrbata-Greplowska (PL), Katarina Znamenackova (SK)

Organisé par


En coopération avec


Sponsors principaux


Sponsors / Partenaires

The White Rose

Partenaire media


Programme ( download pdf )

Wednesday 08/10

Jadviga’s pillow / Jadviga párnája

19.30 > Jadviga’s pillow / Jadviga párnája (Hungary, 2002)

directed by Deák Krisztina, drama, 130 min, eng subtitles

History of an unhappy "ménage à trois" in a small town in south-eastern Hungary, set during WWI.

followed by a discussion with the directress

Thursday 09/10


18.30 > Edi (Poland, 2002)

directed by Piotr Trzaskalski, drama, 100 min, eng subtitles

A Zen tale of the tragic love between a princess and a well-read homeless tramp.

The Idiot Returns / Návrat idiota

20.30 > The Idiot Returns / Návrat idiota (Czech Republic, 1999)

directed by Saša Gedeon, drama, 103 min, eng subtitles

How does a person returning from an institution into the "normal" world perceive our everyday reality?

Friday 10/10

The City of the Sun / Slneèný štát

18.30 > The City of the Sun / Slneèný štát (Slovak Republic, 2005)

directed by Martin Šulík, bitter comedy, 95 min, eng subtitles

Bad luck? These four friends, jobless and desperate, know just what that means ...

May Day Mayhem! / Csocsó

20.30 > May Day Mayhem! / Csocsó (Hungary, 2001)

directed by Koltai Róbert, comedy, 94 min, eng subtitles

Natural born optimist in an inhuman world, set in the fifties in Hungary.

Saturday 11/10

Other worlds / Iné svety

18.30 > Other worlds / Iné svety (Slovak Republic, 2006)

directed by Marko Škop, documentary, 78 min, eng subtitles

The Šariš region? Local Slovaks, Ruthenians, Jews and Gypsies will tell you all about it ...

A Town Called Hermitage / Poustevna, das ist Paradies!

20.00 > A Town Called Hermitage / Poustevna, das ist Paradies! (Czech Republic, 2007)

directed by Martin Dušek and Ondøej Provazník, documentary, 74 min, eng subtitles

2007’s best Czech documentary about the surprisingly multi-ethnic and multi-cultural community of Poustevna, a small town on the CZ/DE border.

followed by a discussion with the directors

Sunday 12/10

Just sex and nothing else / Csak szex és más semmi

18.30 > Just sex and nothing else / Csak szex és más semmi (Hungary, 2005)

directed by Goda Krisztina, comedy, 97 min, eng subtitles

She wants a baby but as for the guys, it's just sex and nothing else ...

The Wedding / Wesele

20.30 > The Wedding / Wesele (Poland, 2004)

directed by Wojciech Smarzowski, tragicomedy, 109 min, eng subtitles

Please don’t drink too much at the wedding! Dark satire about love and money and love of money.

Monday 13/10

Czech Dream / Èeský sen

18.30 > Czech Dream / Èeský sen (Czech Republic, 2004)

directed by Vít Klusák and Filip Remunda, documentary, 87 min, eng subtitles

Hypermarket – my temple... Shocking glimpse of the power of consumerism and marketing. Probably the biggest hoax in Czech cinematography.

Tuesday 14/10

Half-life / Polèas rozpadu

18.30 > Half-life / Polèas rozpadu (Slovak Republic, 2007)

directed by Vlado Fischer, drama/comedy, 100 min., eng subtitles

You have everything, so why not spoil it by having an affair? A story from contemporary Bratislava.

Saviour Square / Plac Zbawiciela

20.30 > Saviour Square / Plac Zbawiciela (Poland, 2006)

directed by Krzysztof Krauze & Joanna Kos-Krauze, drama, 105 min, eng subtitles

A true story about how (lack of) money can ruin everything.

Wednesday 15/10

Wrong Side Up / Pøíbìhy obyèejného šílenství

18.30 > Wrong Side Up / Pøíbìhy obyèejného šílenství (Czech Republic, 2005)

directed by Petr Zelenka, comedy, 107 min, eng subtitles

A paid voyeur, a mannequin fetishist, a charity freak… extraordinary people in the circle of “ordinary madness”.


20.30 > Taxidermia (Hungary, 2006)

directed by Pálfi György, drama/bizarre, 90 min, eng subtitles

Grotesque tale of three generations of men. Obesity, obsession and taxidermia… Shocking? Disturbing? Disgusting? Sure! And beautiful too!

Thursday 16/10

District /Nyócker

18.30 > District /Nyócker (Hungary, 2005)

directed by Gauder Áron, animated (not for children), 87 min, eng subtitles

Everyday life in the neighbourhood, hip-hop & oil powered Romeo/Juliette story in an animated reworking. Guest appearances by Osama BL and George WB!

20.30 > Animated shorts

followed by a discussion with a special guest

+ Festival party with DJ Puli at The Tube (22.00, free entrance)!

Saturday 18/10

March Caresses / Marcowe Migda³y

18.30 > March Caresses / Marcowe Migda³y (Poland, 1989)

directed by Rados³aw Piwowarski, historical, 89 min, eng subtitles

Teen alienation and political turmoil in 1968 Poland.

Divided We Fall / Musíme si pomáhat

20.30 > Divided We Fall / Musíme si pomáhat (Czech Republic, 2000)

directed by Jan Høebejk, drama / comedy, 120 min, eng subtitles

A touching story about the clash of heroism and generosity with collaboration and cowardice in Nazi-era Czechoslovakia.

Sunday 19/10

Bored in Brno / Nuda v Brnì

17.00 > Bored in Brno / Nuda v Brnì (Czech Republic, 2003)

directed by Vladimír Morávek, romantic comedy, 103 min, eng subtitles

Erotica in a Czech town - desire for love has many faces ...

Tricks / Sztuczki

19.00 > Tricks / Sztuczki (Poland, 2007)

directed by Andrzej Jakimowski, family, 95 min, eng subtitles

Warm family story reminding you of your childhood summers.