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Le Festival du Film d’Europe Centrale 2009 c’est:
- plus de 25 films hongrois, polonais, slovaques et tchèques, récents pour la plupart
- des films de fiction, des documentaires, des court-métrages et des films d’animation
- un bloc thématique « 20 ans après la chute du mur »
- des rencontres avec des acteurs et réalisateurs
- des concerts et des soirées musicales
- 2 expositions : « 100 ans du film polonais » et « Prague a travers l’objectif de la police secrète »
- soutien à un projet caritatif
Où ? Abbaye de Neumünster et Cinémathèque
Quand ? du 30 septembre au 11 octobre 2009
Comment ? versions originales avec sous-titres en ang. ou fr.
Combien ? entrée gratuite à toutes les séances
Pour plus d'informations, cliquez ici
CHARITY PROJECT: We are very happy to announce that we have just received a letter from the executive director of ADRA confirming that your kind contributions covered the reparation of a substantial part of the roof of the children's home in Mukachevo. The collected money was used exclusively for this purpose and the work is now completed. You can check the invoices and some pictures here. ADRA and the festival organisers would like to thank again to all of you for helping us doing a good thing!
Our bank has finally recounted your contributions to the charity project and the exact amount of money collected is 2920,29 EUR, see here.
Go to gallery for pictures from the final debate and last moments of the charity pigs. Videos here and there.
Got addicted to movies due to our Festival? Don't panic, you can get a new dose with Diractors and Villerupt! And make sure not to miss the NON-HEROIC STORIES Polish film festival in the wonderfully cosy Ancien Cinema!
Last night, our three CHARITY PIGS were broken and the contributions counted publicly. We're delighted to say that you donated 2887,08 EUR (subject to recounting)! Thank you! Stay tuned for more info, pictures and charity project follow-up!
The Festival is over. Many thanks to all of you! We hope you enjoyed it (you can still let us know via our Guestbook)!
Many thanks for supporting our Charity project! See info about the project on ADRA's website here.
Ne manquez pas la discussion avec le réalisateur Xawery Zulawski et l'actrice Maria Strzelecka!
Tonight - opening of the cycle "20 years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall" in the Cinémathèque.
Vernissage of the exhibition "Prague through the Lens of the Secret Police" and discussion with the famous Slovak documentary maker Dušan Hanák after his movie Papierové hlavy.